On Thursday, May 24th, Bella & Lexie had their last day at pre-school for the year. Lexie finished her 2 year old class and Bella finished her Pre-K class....which means: KINDERGARTEN in August!
Here's some cute pictures of the girls with their teachers. Remember, you can click on any picture and it will enlarge in another window so you can actually see the detail (and their cute eyes!)

Lexie walks with some of her classmates & Ms. Carol
During the last weeks of school, the kids get to have a car wash and help wash all the toy cars! Bella is having so much fun with her friend, Kira.
Now that the school year is over, summer time is just around the corner and the weather is certainly telling us that we're ready to jump in the pool. While the big pool in the backyard was "getting its medicine" (Milenko was cleaning the pool with chemicals), the girls used the little blow up one. It's perfect for Lauren anyway!

Lauren is actually impressing us with her little smarts. At 15 months, she is already trying to grow up and be just like her big sisters. The girls have a refrigerator magnet from LeapFrog that plays the alphabet. The girls have used it for the past few years at learning the ABC Song. Lauren is already walking round the house trying to sing the alphabet along with the magnet. She can do ABC and then the rest is P P P P P. She's also is attempting to do her numbers. As I try to get her to repeat ONE, she chimes in with two, three.... Nothing after that, but I sure will be proud when I get her to actually say ONE with the TWO & THREE. :) She's up to about 40 plus words. The latest and funniest is shu-up. I know it's not the best thing to teach her, but it keeps us in stiches when we hear her yell shu-up! (She doesn't know what it means though.) She's also pretty good at telling us to STOP at the stop lights. That's all thanks to her sisters who love to tell us how to drive through the red & green lights.
We're going to start off June at the Croatian Extravaganza in Sacramento. We'll be staying up there with Milenko's sister & parents for the weekend. Should be a fun one. Between that and Fathers' Day, the next round of pictures should be pretty fun!
See you in June!