Thursday, January 26


Wednesday afternoon at 4pm I loaded up the kids in the SUV and headed down to Dr. Klein's office in Walnut Creek. We were going to meet Milenko at the doctor's office and have our 36 week check up. We got to see the doctor about 5pm and with both girls in tow, we got a treat to the ultrasound machine to look at Baby #3. It was neat to see the baby's face - at least the part that we could see. However, after a few minutes of the doctor scanning back and forth across my belly, he told us that Baby #3 was breech. Gulp! What horrible news. All I could think of was my cousin Julie going through a version and how painful it was - needless to say, unsuccessfully. Well we were told it was either a version or a C-section. We opted for the popular version that is only 50% successful most of the time. Dr. Klein (Lou) got on the phone with the hospital and scheduled the first available version - right away.

We headed across the street to John Muir and up to labor and delivery. We were told we had until 7pm and that I couldn't eat or drink anything before the version. We took the kids down to the cafeteria and fed Milenko and the girls. We were hoping that Milenko's mom would meet us at the hospital to watch the kids because they couldn't be there for the version. Instead, Milenko ended up taking the girls home where Milenko's mom was waiting and Jasna took Milenko back to the hospital. While he was taking the girls back home I was getting an IV put in. The first IV didn't take (and was so painful) but the 2nd one did with another nurses help. After getting the IV situated and my tummy on all the monitors to check the baby and my contractions, the nurse gave me a shot of trebutaline to stop my contractions for the version. As both Lou and Dr. Cole showed up to do the version, I went into some kind of funky world where everything was uncomfortable, the room was getting dark, I couldn't stop sweating and I was loosing my hearing in my right ear. The doctors immediately turned me on my side and got my head down lower than my legs. My blood pressure was dropping and I was passing out. After a few minutes I was able to get my senses back together and the doctors were able to start looking at the baby again and finding the best way to turn him/her. The baby's head was under my right rib, the feet were under my left rib and the butt was right in the middle. When they finally started to do the version, Milenko hadn't shown up yet making it a little more scary for me. While one doctor pushed like mad on the right side, the other did the same on the left side. I believe the people across the street heard me hollar - it was so painful. The doctors were able to turn the baby only 1/2 way. Due to all the stress that the baby and I were going through they decided to wait and see if the baby would settle into the right place - head first. Milenko showed up just as they stopped their pushing and proding of my tummy. They left me alone for about 45 minutes while the baby settled. At the end of the wait the baby starting doing some acrobats inside of me. Although it felt like jumping jacks to me, I didn't realize that the baby was actually turning itself. When Lou came back in to do another ultrasound and check the baby we got the best news ever. The acrobats that the baby was doing was turning itself downwards into the correct position! YEAH! We avoided a C-section for the time being. At 9pm we finally were given the okay to go home.

Contractions happened all night long but the doctors told us that would happen do to the distress that my body had just gone through. Every hour I was up and about with contractions but they're not the contractions that mean labor. Phew! Let's just hope my body will hold this munchkin in a few more weeks. If not, we're okay to go. It would just be nice to have a few more weeks to get ready for everything. :-)


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you went through all that! But I guess you didn't suffer for nothing!I am so glad baby is now "in place".You must feel better about that! Just relax, and enjoy your last weeks...while you still can!
All the best,
keep me updated too! It's exciting!

Anonymous said...

Thats good news Debbie. I had no Idea that you were that close. Don't push any more because if you do you will be changing diapers much sooner yek!!!.Good luck till then JACK (DAD 2)

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear the baby is no longer breach ... good look w/the rest of your pregnancy. We had a baby scare of our own - I'll send you an email and fill you in. Michelle

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that the baby turned. The thought of a c-section, I'm sure was not fun. Take it easy and get what ever rest you can now, if the kids let you. Let me know if you need anything.