Sunday, May 21

A Little Hell Here on Earth

It's it Summer Yet???

Well I'm not sure what happened but we had a two week deal of hot spells. A little different from the constant rain that we had for 100 days straight. Yuck! Funny thing, when you don't have something you want it - when you get it, you wish it would come in moderation. The high 80's and 90's were a little too hot for Spring time. Bella & Lexie love it though. More time outside and lots of time in the sprinklers....

Mother's Day was a scorcher for us. Milenko and I went to Barone's in Pleasanton with the family. My mother and Milenko's parents went along with his sister and his godparents. It would have been nice if the weather wasn't so stinkin' hot. We were outside in a covered canvas tent which turned our area into a sauna. Lexie couldn't take the heat and gave us sass the entire time. Bella liked the air-conditioning in the bathroom so she of course had to go 5 times. Lauren found it too hot to sleep and just couldn't get comfortable. Next year is going to be different. We'll visit the mom's on the Saturday before Mother's Day and I get to have my own Mother's Day at home with my family - no plans but spending it with hubby and the girls. This was just too much.

Lexie has turned into a devil. I don't know if I wrote about this in the last blog but we're offering her up for adoption to the first person interested. Okay, not really, but I'd be lying if I told you the thought hadn't crossed my mind. Bella never had the terrible two's this bad. Lexie throws the worst tantrums you can imagine. At times you wonder if she's possessed because of the things she does. She got a nice little shot of tabasco in the mouth today from her lovely teeth imprint on Bella's arm. (It was realllly bad!) Bella loves to antagonize her so I'd have to say it's not all her fault. Bella isn't good at sharing and Lexie's even worse.

Doesn't coming to my house sound fun!?

Lexie's becoming an artist. As you can see from above, I told her not to play with the pen. If I tell her not to do something, guess what she does? Yup! The opposite. We're having a little difficulty with Bella on this subject too. Bella is constantly lying and we can't figure out where it is coming from. If we ask her a simple question like "Did you go potty?" She'll tell us one thing when the opposite it true. Who said that having girls was easy??

We do have a little angel in the bunch though. Lauren is just a doll. She has a few outbursts from time to time but 3 a week is nothing - especially when they only last a few minutes. I left her at home with Milenko's mom while I did work at Bella's school. She almost took a bottle but finds that it's not as good as the real thing. Since I didn't want to waste the bottle I put some rice cereal in it and tried to feed it to her later. She took about an ounce and then gave up. Later that night she tasted rice cereal. That was fun to give her and she did a lot of giggling while I fed her.

Although it sounds like we live in hell over here, we wouldn't trade our little imps for the world. They still wake us up each morning with smiles and kisses and hugs. The do the funniest things and get us giggling at them all the time. Thank goodness this stage will pass - we'll always remember the good things though.

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