Lexie just celebrated her 3rd birthday on January 5th. Out of the terrible twos and into the TORENTIAL threes. Boy are we looking forward to that aspect this year. She is blowing us away with her knowledge of the alphabet. Not only does she know all the letters but she knows all the sounds too. She's even at a point where she can do the alphabet quizes at home faster than Bella. She's going to be the brains in the house.
Lauren turns 1 year old on Wednesday, 02/14. Happy Valentines Day too! Who would have ever guessed we’d end up giving birth on a holiday. Lauren now has 8 teeth and is becoming the biggest Daddy's girl. She started walking the first week in February and she's just the funniest Frankenbaby you've ever seen.
Bella has become an artist. Her favorite thing to do in life is draw. Here she drew a pirate map and a big "X" that marks where the treasure is. She's doing well on her writing too. She's starting to actually put sounds to words and was ables to read the word HUGGIES off the diaper box with a little help.Milenko was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes – Adult onset. We just found out about this last week and although we’ve changed his diet (and the rest of the family’s too), he still needs to monitor his blood levels and control it with diet and exercise. He’s already losing weight on the new diet so that’s a great thing. He’ll meet with the Nutritionist at the end of the month to find out the real in’s and out’s of eating healthy. We’re excited to attend that meeting so we can actually eat again.
Debbie took a pregnancy test the first week in January and it was NEGATIVE. Wahoo!! Even had a period just after that. Wahoo again! I know, you’re thinking that’s GREAT news! 3 kids are enough. Milenko and I were only “together” on New Years’ Eve and so having a period and getting a NEGATIVE reading are certainly signs of not being pregnant. NOT!!!!!!! Don’t ever let anyone ever tell you that birth control pills are 100% effective. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that if you take a pregnancy test and its negative that you’re not pregnant. DON’T EVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU THAT IF YOU HAVE A PERIOD THERE’S NOT A CHANCE IN HELL YOU’RE PREGNANT. Guess what!???? Yup, we’re 8 weeks pregnant! 3 kids aren’t quite enough for this family. We’re going for 4 kids in our humble little house. Do you think we’ll end up with a little boy this time? Yeah, neither do we. Milenko can’t make boys. He just makes girls. The cutest damn things in the world – but always girls. We want a boy too badly to get one. It’s like Milenko’s theory on the lottery. If we could play lottery and win like we do with getting pregnant, life would be so much easier. If we want a boy that badly, we won’t get it – just like the lottery.
Well we’re due around September 27th and I’ll try (just like I did with Lauren’s pregnancy) to update the blog as often as possible with all the fun news on Baby #4… It was really fun seeing the baby’s heart beat this afternoon on the ultrasound. Seeing an ultrasound just makes the reality really sink in. Yes, we’re very nervous about a family of 6 but if we can do it with 5 and be as happy as we are, 6 shouldn’t be too hard. (Knock on wood) For those of you who are thinking this: YES, THIS IS THE LAST CHILD WE ARE HAVING!!!!!! Can you say VASECTOMY? We’re thinking of planning one of those while I’m still pregnant. With our luck, Milenko’s little boogers have these red capes with a big “S” on them. I’ll end up getting pregnant the day I get out of the hospital. You think I’m kidding? Boy, you should know how our reproductive systems work by now!
Anyway, I think that’s all the news that I can handle dishing out for the time being. I’ll give another update in a few weeks when we go back to the doctor to do some more ultrasounds.
Have a great February and don’t get pregnant!
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