Monday, August 27


Well, today was the first day of school for our first born! Bella started Kindergarten at Fredericksen Elementary in Dublin. Her teacher is Mrs. Moirao and from what I've seen, she's an absolutely pleasure! Big Disney fan too!
Bella has the early bird schedule so she gets to go to school from 8:30 - 12:15 every day. She was so excited as she grabbed her new Tinkerbell backpack and her Bratz lunchbox and got ready for school this morning.
When we walked into the classroom the first thing that the teacher pointed out was her cubby hole and her new seat. She's changing all the names on everything so they say Bella instead of Isabella. (We only call her that when she gets in trouble!)
There are 20 kids in the class and 19 of the 20 showed up today. That's a pretty large class of 4-5 year olds for one teacher! I've gotta' hand it to ANYONE who has that much patience.
Daddy video taped the whole thing while I was snapping as many pictures as possible. With Lauren and Lexie in tow, it was a little difficult to get all the good shots in. In fact, we had to give Lexie a backpack and lunchbag too so she didn't feel left out. It was very cute how she wanted to be like her big sister.

Daddy took off the morning for this event and we went out to breakfast to treat Lexie and Lauren to some special one-on-one time. Boy, it sure feels different when there are only 2 kids in tow. How on earth are we going to manage with 4 kids? We'll find out in 3 weeks!

P.S. No, we didn't cry. I think that sending Bella to preschool for the first time was the hardest on me. I bawled my head off that day. This was a day like any other - and Bella made it easy as she said "Bye Mommy, Bye Daddy" and went back to coloring.

Thursday, August 2

Meet the Dentist

The Dugorepec Family goes to the Dentist.

July 31st - Bella & Mommy get to go to the dentist for a check-up and a teeth cleaning. Since Mommy's only 8 weeks away from delivery, the cleaning portion couldn't happen. Instead, Mommy started getting dizzy, hot, feeling like throwing up and going through some major contractions. Needless to say, Mommy's routine was stopped immediately. However, this was Bella's first time at the Dentist.
Bella wasn't so sure about sitting in the dental chair or having anyone work on her. Within a few minutes, the dentist was on her good side and was able to help her brush her teeth and do a fluoride treatment. She didn't get to have her teeth polished because she was a little scared but after the hygienist gave her a new toothbrush, she was more willing to cooperate.
Dr. Toi (Mommy's dentist as a child too) counted Bella's teeth and she has 10 on top and 10 on the bottom.

As we were leaving the dentist office, Bella tells me: "Mommy, can we go back to the Dentist tomorrow? That was fun!"

August 2nd - Lexie and Daddy go to the dentist today. Daddy went first and Lexie got to watch him get his teeth counted, talk with Dr. Toi and then get his teeth cleaned by the hygienist. While Daddy was finishing up, Lexie met with Dr. Toi who gave her a quick check-up and even took x-rays. She's was so good and was so easy to work with.
She headed to the hygienist chair just afterwards and was great. She got her teeth polished, a fluoride treatment and even learned how to floss her teeth with the "string." (We use the dental picks at home since they're easier to hold.) Afterwards she was able to pick out a toothbrush and a few goodies from the toy basket - just like Bella.
The great news is = the kids LOVE the dentist and want to go back tomorrow. How many kids do you know who cry to GO to the dentist? :)