Wednesday, February 22


We've made it past the one week mark in the Dugorepec household and we're still here to talk about it. It's actually not all that bad. I was expecting the worse but we've been pretty fortunate for the most part. Today was Milenko's first day back at work. We were both dreading this day because of the withdrawals that the kids would have from not having him here, the pressure of getting 3 girls dressed, fed and functioning for the day, and the pile of work that Milenko has waiting for him in the office. So far it's been a good day. The baby woke me up at 4am, Lexie was up and awake at 6am and Bella was up at 7am. No sleep for the weary here! Considering I should be out of my mind by now, it's been okay. The girls wanted to spend most of the morning with the baby and when they started getting antsy, it was time to take them out for a walk to the park. We spent an hour out there and when we came home they both went upstairs and climbed into bed for a nap - without me insisting that it was that time. How did I luck out on that one?? It's only 2pm - there's still time to have a nervous breakdown and send me to a mental ward

Bella has become Mommy's little helper. Her favorite thing to do in the morning is come into my room, find the baby and give the baby a kiss and hug Good Morning. Forget anyone else, it's the baby that matters now. Lexie is starting to warm up a little with the baby. She holds the baby from time to time, likes to pat her head, poke at her eyes and kiss her cheeks. However, when it's her time and the baby fusses, she lets everyone know that she disapproves of us giving the baby attention instead of her. She's fighting more with Bella and even bit Bella this morning on the tummy - a pretty major bite at that. Bella is wearing a Band-Aid and is feeling better though. We're just extremely careful NEVER to leave the baby and Lexie alone together. Who knows what might happen with that scenario.

Lauren has been an awesome baby. We've noticed that she has the same temperment as Bella. Just a very easy baby so far. She eats on schedule, poops like there's no tomorrow and doesn't fuss much at all. With Bella & Lexie screaming and playing all the time in the house, it's a wonder she actually sleeps. Milenko calls it "white noise." I call it a bunch of noise.

We gave Lauren her first bath yesterday. She small enough to take her bubble bath in the kitchen sink. For the most part she loved it - until her body came out of the water and the chilly air hit her. Doesn't like anything to do with the cold. After we got her all shampooed and soaped up we took her out to dry her off. She was saving a little present for me....she crapped all over the towel. Fortunately I didn't empty the water yet so I just dunked her back into the sink and cleaned her off. What a memorable event though. She's already making great memories for my scrapbooking habit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you.....

Dad (Grandpa)