Wednesday, December 21

Pee-Pee Update, Wednesday 12/21/05

Bella is actually on the road to using the potty on her own. Today she told me "Mommmy, I need to go pee-pee." In the whole 30 seconds that it took me to get over to her, she finished in her diaper - however, it's the thought that counts here. Hopefully we'll have a trained potty girl by the time #3 comes along. Wa-hoo!

Bella's having a little trouble distinguishing the difference between telling us she has to go potty from actually going potty. Good news is that everytime Bella goes to the potty and sits on it, Lexie wants to do it too. Who knows, we might have double the luck and get them both potty trained before #3 comes. Less than 9 weeks to go.... Hey, it's the time for miracles. It could happen.

The weather sucks here today. We went to McD's to have lunch with Donna & Alyssa but didn't get a chance to have all the fun since it started raining. The kids hate being couped up in the house all day long. Thank goodness for Barbie videos. Bella's favorite movie is currently Barbie - Swan Lake. She dances like "Princess Barbie" and dresses up like her all the time. Today we got Barbie - The Nutcracker. More dancing Barbie for her to enjoy. Funny thing - the other night when Milenko and I were home she comes up to me and says "Mommy, Barbie has a big butt!" Maybe we should switch to Lion King again so she doesn't think that the ideal person in Barbie...

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